Young Fu of the Upper Yangtze was a good book. The character of Young Fu is good. One thing I didn't know about China was they seem to marry pretty early. Young Fu isn't married, but one of his friends is. The book starts when he's fourteen, and ends when he is about eighteen. For people who have read To Kill a Mockingbird, Young Fu reminds me of Scout. For both books, the main characters are growing up, changing and having to overcome problems. The main characters have to become leaders.
The way Young Fu becomes a leader is he has to has to gain the trust of both his boss and his mom. He has to become a leader by proving himself. He fights off some villains when some people are trying to rob the shop. When some bandits on the river try to rob his ship, he hides the silver. He also save a girl by climbing up to stop a fire when no other people will go up there.
I would place this book number 2, right after the Grey King. It's a really good book.
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